About Us
Grid Group is an informatics company established in order to realize turnkey projects in the field of information technologies and to provide high technology solutions, application, operation, technical support and consultancy services to each stakeholder of the sector with its solution-oriented approach and proven field expertise.

Established in 2009, Grid Group , in today's business world where change is happening very fast and competition is intense, it is possible to ensure the continuity of being preferred by differentiation in services, products and specialties. is a dynamic company that continues to work rapidly with the awareness. Both its quantitative indicators and positive feedback and awards received from customers and stakeholders prove the ever-increasing development momentum of the Grid Group.
As of today, Grid Group is a reliable and leading company not only in our country but also in the region geography, with its services with advanced technology and its success has been proven in hundreds of different fields, developed within the framework of the needs of the sector with more than 100 successful projects carried out nationally and internationally. Ongoing investments and successful works, especially in our country and in the near geography (especially in Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Cyprus, Kazakhstan) have made Grid Group a very important actor for the region's geography.
Grid Group, which has expanded its field of activity with its strong investments and the group companies it has incorporated, is currently serving in the health, transportation, industry, construction, finance and general sectors.

Grid Group has been providing end-to-end services to more than 23 countries in many sectors for more than 10 years. Among the main sectors;
Grid Group, serving with 6 offices in 4 continents and over 1000 employees, offers its business partners and customers high technology, training, operation and consultancy services as well as turnkey projects.
Carrying out high-scale Innovation and R&D studies, Grid Group has recently strengthened its strength by purchasing specialized institutions in its field, as well as its organic growth process, and has been spreading its end-to-end service approach.
Since our establishment, we are proud of carrying out many projects in 4 different continents, 23 different countries in many fields!




Different Office

Business partnership


Group Company
