Information Technologies
Since its establishment, Grid Group has been successfully providing project management services in the field of informatics
and producing end-to-end solutions with its expert team.

İş süreçlerini dogru yönetmek için bir otomasyona ve bu otomasyon ile verilerini sakladığı bir veri tabanına sahip olmak gerekir. İşte tam bu noktada, bu cevap verebilecek Operasyonel İş Zekasını sizler için tasarlandı.
ERP software is the general name given to integrated management systems that cover all functions of an enterprise, from production to sales, from CRM to human resources, from inventory to accounting, and that enables the efficient use of resources such as labor, machinery and materials required for the production of goods and services. ERP provides solutions that make it possible for employees to be ready or easily adapt to changes or changes to be made in companies. It increases the value of information by making it easier for employees to access critical business information, to control processes and to transfer information easily between departments. Oracle JDE has been customized according to the sectors, its developments to all details have been completed, and it has been made customizable on the basis of users. Thanks to this feature, while giving an idea to the user with its screens, it also does not waste time waiting for improvements in the works that the user needs to do.PROJECT MANAGEMENT
In addition to the history and development of project management, it is eagerly working towards increasing the impact of global trends on this issue and the development of organizations. Project management methodologies are appreciated from all over the world with their increasing awareness.
With ERIA fremework, which is designed with the meticulous work of our Research & Development team as technology, we provide special software development services to institutions. Today 30 NC Textile Exchange with us on the Party Software Supplement Turkmenistan Ministry of Health, Turkey Ministry of Health, Simfer, Netherlands Moveres, such as Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan in a screw portion governmental organizations in 23 different countries over 100 has already signed a project. In addition to our special software development projects, we have many products and solutions that we specially developed such as Smart Meter Reading, Dealer Tracking System, International Patient Tracking System, E-Health Solutions, CRM and Project management.
With our Database and System experts, we offer all Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server Database solutions you need as a Grid. You can get information from our experts on all subjects such as Disaster Recovery, Cluster, Performance Tunining, 7 * 24 Database Monitoring, Installation and Maintenance, Migration, Replication.
He has consultancy in the field of Information Technologies. For more than 15 years, our team of experts in their fields with hundreds of project completion experiences offers you Technology Consultancy and solutions from Hardware solutions to Database Solutions, from Cloud Solutions to Mid-Layer Solutions.